Starting of a new journey

The first blog In this pandemic situation, most of you are locked down at your home and some of you are rejoining your duties at job places. And the students who have cleared HSLC examination might be wondering what to opt for whether arts, science or commerce. Those who have scored first division might be thinking for opting science- I know that. How I know that because I also opted for science when I cleared my matriculation. In our society we have certain norms that if a child gets first class must opt for science, that's ridiculous. No matter what's your result, choose what you want to not what other people say to you. This is your dream, your goal. If you choose arts there are variety of options to go for after graduation- fashion, trainer, consultant,administration etc. When I passed my matriculation, I was confused too. I never opted for arts I was sure of that as I was good with numbers, so was confused between science and commerce. But before the resu...